How to Prepare Tasty Baked Pork Rib With BBQ Sauce

Delicious, fresh and tasty barbecue.

Baked Pork Rib With BBQ Sauce.

Baked Pork Rib With BBQ Sauce You can have Baked Pork Rib With BBQ Sauce using 5 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Baked Pork Rib With BBQ Sauce

  1. Prepare 800 gram of Pork Rib.
  2. Prepare 250 grams of smoke bbq sauce.
  3. It's 250 gram of Chili bbq sauce.
  4. It's 500 ml of water.
  5. You need 1 of onion.

Baked Pork Rib With BBQ Sauce step by step

  1. Pull off the membrane of the back of the rib then add in the onion, bbq sauce and water, mix well.
  2. Cover TOP with aluminium foil, Baked it at 200 C for 2 hour, basting after 1 hour.
  3. Baked Pork Rib In BBQ Sauce With Potato, Boil the Potato First then cut it and bake for another 15 minutes, season with some olive oil, salt and pepper.