Recipe: Perfect Nachos, crumbed chicken pieces, mini corn cobs, pineapple grape and mint fruit skewer

Delicious, fresh and tasty barbecue.

Nachos, crumbed chicken pieces, mini corn cobs, pineapple grape and mint fruit skewer.

Nachos, crumbed chicken pieces, mini corn cobs, pineapple grape and mint fruit skewer You can cook Nachos, crumbed chicken pieces, mini corn cobs, pineapple grape and mint fruit skewer using 23 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Nachos, crumbed chicken pieces, mini corn cobs, pineapple grape and mint fruit skewer

  1. It's of Nachos.
  2. It's 1 of Avocado.
  3. It's 1 of Onion.
  4. It's 1 clove of Garlic.
  5. You need 1 of tomato.
  6. You need 1 of lime.
  7. It's To taste of Tomato and chilli salsa (store bought).
  8. It's 30ml of Cheddar cheese grated.
  9. You need 30ml of Mozzarella cheese grated.
  10. It's of Fillet chicken.
  11. It's 1 tsp of chicken spice.
  12. You need 1 tsp of crushed red chilli.
  13. Prepare 2 tsp of Lemon juice.
  14. It's 2 of eggs.
  15. It's As needed of bread crumbs.
  16. It's As needed of frying oil.
  17. You need of Mini corn cobs.
  18. It's 1 tablespoon of butter.
  19. It's of Pineapple.
  20. It's of Grapes.
  21. Prepare of Mint.
  22. It's To taste of Salt.
  23. It's To taste of Pepper.

Nachos, crumbed chicken pieces, mini corn cobs, pineapple grape and mint fruit skewer instructions

  1. I purchased the nacho chips from a local grocery store. You can use which ever brand u prefer. I made the guacamole with avocado peeled and liquidized to a smooth consistency. I then added finely chopped onion, 1 clove of garlic minced, chopped ripe tomato, the juice of 1 lime, salt and pepper to taste. Mix all into the avocado and spread onto the nachos. Follow with the salsa and lastly spread evenly the cheddar and mozzarella cheese. Place in oven at 180C until the cheese melts..
  2. The crumbed chicken was made: wash and cut fillet chicken, add chicken spice, crushed red chilli and a dash of salt and black pepper. 2 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice. Whisk 2 eggs in as bowl and dip the chicken strips one by one in the egg mixture. Cover with bread crumbs of your choice and lastly fry in medium heat frying oil till crisp and golden..
  3. I lightly stir-fry the mini corn cobs in some butter..
  4. Made a fruit skewer with pineapple, grapes and add mint to garnish..
  5. Enjoy!.